From the main railway station: turn right onto Heilbronner Straße B27, Siemensstraße B10/B27, B295 towards Leonberg/Feuerbach, exit S-Weilimdorf/Giebel, turn left onto Solitudestraße, turn right onto Engelbergstraße (at the traffic lights), turn right onto Dieselstraße, the hotel is the last building on the left.
From Munich: A8 direction Stuttgart, follow the A81 direction Heilbronn, exit Feuerbach, turn left and follow the signs Gerlingen/Ditzingen, turn left at the ARAL petrol station and follow the road until the roundabout, 2nd exit, the hotel is on the right side (already visible from the roundabout).
From Frankfurt: A5 direction Karlsruhe, follow the A81, direction Heilbronn, exit Feuerbach, turn left and follow the signs Gerlingen/Ditzingen, turn left at the ARAL petrol station and follow the road to the roundabout, 2nd exit, the hotel is on the right side (already visible from the roundabout).